Try This Post-Pregnancy Workout

After giving birth to my daughter Arna, I was surprised by the toll pregnancy had taken on my body. I had lost a lot of strength, and as a personal trainer, I knew I had to find a way to rebuild my fitness safely.
Returning to exercise after pregnancy was a HUGE learning experience for me, and I came to realise that there often isn’t clear guidance for women who want to start exercising again. It can be hard to know where to start and it's so important to take it slowly!
My Post-Pregnancy program was designed alongside Sweat's team of exercise scientists and has been endorsed by a panel of leading obstetricians and exercise physiologists from the US, the UK and Australia.
I wanted to create this program to help you gently rebuild fitness and strength after giving birth and return to exercise safely, and it's also suitable for women with Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation).
Every woman's postpartum journey is different, so before you get started with any post-pregnancy workout or program it's important you obtain clearance from your healthcare provider.
Here’s a sample workout from my program to give you an idea of what to expect:
At-home post-pregnancy workout
To get started, you’ll need a yoga mat, foam roller, recovery band and resistance band.
1. Glutes
60 SECS 30 Per Side
2. Calves
60 SECS 30 Per Side
3. Lats (Sides)
60 SECS 30 Per Side
4. TFL
60 SECS 30 Per Side
1. Posterior Pelvic Tilt
2. Glute Bridge & Opening
3. Lateral Walk
16 REPS 8 Per Side
1. Foot Lift
16 REPS 8 Per Side
2. Clam
16 REPS 8 Per Side
3. Donkey Kick
16 REPS 8 Per Side
This workout and my Post-Pregnancy Program are designed to fit into and around your life as a new mum, and help you rebuild your strength after pregnancy.
The program contains a variety of workouts ranging from 15-25 minutes, allowing you to fit them in when you can.
There are also specific workouts that address some of the common issues women can experience after giving birth, such as lower back pain and hip instability.
As well as the 12 regular Post-Pregnancy weeks, there are four Foundation weeks for women who have had a C-section or have a weakened pelvic floor.
It’s so important to listen to your body and go at your own pace as you start to exercise again — it’s been through some amazing changes!
As you progress through the program, the length of the workouts and difficulty of the exercises will gradually increase.
While this program is designed to help you gradually return to exercise, every woman’s journey post-pregnancy is different. This means you must have clearance from your healthcare professional before beginning the program.
Regain your strength with my Post-Pregnancy program!
As a new mum it can be hard to find time to fit in exercise! I found that I had to make a commitment to start training again to work towards feeling fit and strong.
Whether you try to save time by doing family meal prep or asking someone to watch your baby, it’s still so important to look after your own health and wellbeing.
The Sweat Community is a tremendous source of support for new mums who are restarting their fitness journey. I highly recommend you connect with the Sweat with Kayla Community if you are starting out as a new mother — they have so much great advice and encouragement to offer!
How do you manage to find time for yourself as a new mum? Share your tips in the comments!
* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.
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