Top Moments From My Holiday to Greece

If you follow me on social media, you would have seen I recently went on a (long-awaited!) holiday to Greece! It was so amazing, and visiting gave me a deeper understanding of my heritage too. I got to visit some of my family and to spend time with them, something that always makes me feel happy.
Something else that is really important about holidays — you need to take them! They help you to enjoy a bit of balance in your life and to stay fresh. I’ve written about the risk of burnout before, and you know how to avoid burning out? Taking time for your mental health!
These are a few of my favourite holiday moments:
1. Seeing My Family
Especially getting to meet my family and introducing Tobi to my Theo Nick. Theo Nick is my Papou’s’ brother. Even though they haven't seen each other for 50 years, they look and act exactly the same! This photo below was taken during my favourite moment of the entire trip.
2. Visiting Nikolas Taverna
This is the most amazing place to eat in Mykonos. It's just like eating at my Yiayia's house, and there is nothing as good as a traditional Greek salad, in Greece! At Nikolas Taverna, they grow all of their own produce and you can tell by how amazing everything tastes. We went here three times in three days!
3. The Wedding
I went to a Lebanese wedding in Santorini and it was absolutely beautiful! The bride’s dress is stunning (as you can see in the photo below). The dress code for the wedding was ‘all white’ and the day was SO beautiful.
There were two men at the wedding singing Greek songs and I didn't recognise any of the songs until I heard the one in the video. It's a song we all loved as little kids and it brought back some awesome memories!
4. Family Dinners
Because Tobi and I have our own place, we don't get to eat dinner as a family as much as I used to (every night). It was so nice to be able to sit down with Mum, Dad and Tobi and have amazing dinners every night! On top of that, the views in Santorini are AMAZING!
5. The Beaches
The beaches in Greece are INCREDIBLE and because of the climate, the water is WARM! Mykonos is known to be a bit of a party island and I am known to NOT be a party girl, hahah (I'm a Yiayia). So I decided to visit the beaches and I was not disappointed! Amazing water, amazing food and the people were so nice!
6. Visiting Crete
Crete is officially my favourite place in the entire world. We stayed in Chania and it was THE BEST. Everyone here just wants to look after you, feed you and make sure you are happy! There's a big focus on mental health, spending time with family and FOOD. Greeks believe the food brings people together! It really does.
7. Experiencing Philotimo
Philotimo is a word I heard many times when I was in Greece. There is no real way to describe this word. It's a way of life, it's who we are. Philotimo means to do things for others, do things out of love with nothing expected in return, to help others and put others first, to be trusting of others and to believe in the GOOD. There were so many amazing people we met in Greece, that didn't HAVE to invite us into their homes, that didn't HAVE to help us, that didn't HAVE to do anything for us, but they went out of their way and did it because they love to help people and they love to see people happy.
I had such an incredible time on my holiday and I love being able to share parts of Greek culture with you all. I think the message that we should be caring for ourselves AND for each other is a really good one, don’t you?
Love, Kayla xx
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