Why You're Still Hungry After Dinner – Kayla Itsines

5 Reasons You Are Still Hungry After Dinner

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5 Reasons You Are Still Hungry After Dinner
5 Reasons You Are Still Hungry After Dinner

I hear from a lot of women saying they have eaten dinner and could eat another meal! It's common to wonder, why am I still hungry after eating? Sometimes it takes your body a little bit longer to recognise that it is full, but when that hunger doesn't go away, here are some of the things that could explain it!

Why You're Hungry After Eating

Here are five of the most common reasons you are still hungry after eating dinner.

You simply haven't eaten enough 

As obvious as this sounds, it's true. If you haven't eaten enough, either at dinner or during the day in general, of course you're going to feel hungry. Make sure you are eating enough and I often talk about the importance of breakfast too! If you skipped breakfast, or haven't eaten enough since, you'll probably be feeling hungry and craving food. The trick is to make sure you are eating good, regular meals with carbs, fats and protein. This will help to keep you feeling full throughout the whole day!

Drinking sugary drinks

Research has shown that drinking sodas, juices and other drinks that are high in sugar can interfere with the hormones that tell your body you feel full. So skip the soft drinks, especially at meal times, and see if you notice any change in how full or hungry you feel. 

You are dehydrated

Sometimes we may be dehydrated and not even know it. Being slightly dehydrated can feel the same as being slightly hungry, and it can be hard to tell between the two. If you've had a filling meal but are still feeling hungry soon after eating, try drinking a glass of water and see how you feel in 15 minutes.

Your meal didn't have enough protein

Protein is the macro nutrient that provides us with a feeling of fullness and satiation, and it's common to feel hungry when you aren't eating enough protein. Think about the meal you've just had, as well as your meals from throughout the day. Have you had enough protein? 


Sometimes you are not actually hungry, just bored. We've all been there! If you have eaten a balanced and nutritious dinner, then you should be feeling pretty satisfied. However if you are bored you may feel "hungry" because you are looking for a distraction or something to do. If you tend to snack when you don't have anything to do, find an activity you enjoy like reading a book, watching a show, getting creative, or organising your room.

I hope some of these tips may help you!

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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