Why Do We Need Water? – Kayla Itsines

Why Do We Need Water?

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Why Do We Need Water?
Why Do We Need Water?

I see so many people try to kickstart their health and fitness journey by buying fancy foods, revamping their workout wardrobe and researching crazy dieting tips, but forgetting to use a resource they can get for free - water!

Find out why it is so important to stay hydrated and how drinking more water can help you achieve your health and fitness goals. While I am not saying that just drinking more water will magically change your life, it's probably one of the easiest changes you can make that will lead to a noticeable improvement in how you feel.

4 Reasons we need to drink water

Keeps you energised

A lack of water is the number one cause of daytime fatigue. Not only is that bad while trying to focus when you're working, studying or spending time with your family, it makes mustering up the energy to do a workout that much harder as well!

Keeps you feeling full

Drinking water throughout the day can help to keep you full because you aren't constantly snacking. It is also a good idea to drink a glass of water before each meal, as it will help to fill your belly and not cause you to overeat. Many times our body thinks we are hungry, when really we are just a little dehydrated. If you are feeling hungry at midnight try drinking a glass of water instead of reaching for a late night snack, you will feel SO much better!

Removes toxins

Water helps to remove the toxins in our bodies, especially the ones in our digestive system. It also helps flush out waste material from our bodies, playing a vital role in transporting nutrients through our bloodstream. 

Helps muscle recovery

Cells in your body that don't maintain a balance of fluids shrink, which can result in your muscles becoming fatigued. When your muscles lack fluids it means they won't perform as well and your workouts can suffer. It is so important to be hydrated while working out, so I recommend you get your water intake up a few hours before you start exercising. Remember to drink during and after your workout so you can replace sweat you have lost!

Signs You

Signs you might be dehydrated

When you don't drink enough water, you're likely to experience the signs and symptoms of dehydration. Now I don’t want you to think dehydration is something that only applies in severe cases — if you’ve ever felt really thirsty, that’s a sign you’re already a bit dehydrated. Drinking water is so important for the health of your body!

Dehydration can affect our bodies in lots of different ways. Many signs of dehydration aren’t really obvious, which means listening to your body is even more important than you might think.

Here are a few signs that you’re dehydrated you might not be aware of.

Feeling moody or having trouble focusing

It might surprise you to know that even mild dehydration can make you feel tired and can affect your mood. This can make it hard to concentrate. To put it simply, your brain is sensitive to changes in your body’s fluids, so it may react to low hydration with mood changes. Think of this as a type of early warning system — if you’re having trouble focusing, it might be a sign you need to drink some more water!

Bad breath

Did you know that your saliva actually has antibacterial properties? It helps keep your mouth clean, and tries to keep bacteria at bay. Dehydration can cause your mouth to produce less saliva, leaving you with a dry mouth. That makes it easy for bacteria to thrive, which can lead to an unpleasant odour, or bad breath. 

Drinking more water can help to keep your saliva glands working, making it harder for bacteria to settle in. 

Sudden food cravings

When dehydration sets it, you might find yourself dealing with strong cravings for food. This is because your body has a tough time drawing glycogen (energy) from its stores. It then tries to signal it needs fuel, which is when you can get sudden cravings!

Of course, sometimes cravings set in for other reasons. Knowing if you are having a craving because you’re dehydrated or for another reason can be difficult, but try having a glass of water first and see if that makes a difference. 

You have trouble going to the toilet

Most of us know by now that the colour of your urine can indicate your hydration level. But have you ever realised how much your hydration level can affect bowel movements? Water helps to keep everything moving in the digestive system, so dehydration can slow down food moving through to the bowels (and out of the body) as easily.

Look out for the warning signs of dehydration

Dehydration can be so bad for our bodies, so please make sure you’re drinking plenty of water each day! I like to carry a drink bottle with me everywhere, so I always have water available, and I make sure I drink more when I have a big day planned. Now that you know some of the signs that you’re dehydrated, and how they affect the body, you can take steps to avoid them!

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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