Health and Fitness Tips for Students! – Kayla Itsines

Health and Fitness Tips for Students!

Sweat -
Health and Fitness Tips for Students!

It can be hard staying fit and healthy if you are a student. Between exams, looming assignment deadlines and trying to maintain a social life, it’s not always easy to eat well or fit in a workout. I know that many people who study can struggle in this area of their life because they are either time or money poor or have other responsibilities on top of studying.

The good news is, it IS possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle if you are a student. Here are some of my tips:

Watch Out for Emotional Eating
Being at uni or college can definitely make it super easy to eat with your emotions. If you are stressed about exams, assignments and your workload ,it can be so easy to reach into a bag of chips and absentmindedly graze. Our emotions can play a big role in what we eat, so next time you have a junk food binge, try to recognise what set it off. If it is indeed stress, sadness or anger, try going for a walk or talking to a friend instead. Being aware of your eating habits can really help you determine why you are doing the things you do  and help you make improvements if necessary.

Balance Your Meals
I know that a lot of students really struggle with eating, especially if they live at college and are limited to the food they can consume. This is totally understable and I know how hard it can be to make healthy choices when you aren’t in charge of your grocery list! My biggest tip? Don’t let this stress you out or discourage you! Try your hardest to make the best choices you can with what you have. Always try to balance out your meals and make sure you are eating from a variety of food groups, such as grains, vegetables, lean proteins and good fats.

Try to stay away from heavily processed and deep fried foods and only eat these occasionally, it can make a huuuge difference in your energy levels and your mood!

Get Creative With Your Workouts
If you can’t afford a gym membership, there are plenty of ways you can exercise without even needing to step foot into one! Take advantage of your surroundings and use what you can - whether that be your campus grounds or your dorm room.

Try to make time for some exercise daily, even if that means simply walking up the stairs to your classes! All the little things count! If you are super busy with your workload, try to find a workout routine that can maximise results in a short amount of time. My Sweat With Kayla app is great because it is based on 28 minute high-intensity workouts that you can literally complete from the comfort of your own room.

Have a Plan Ready
I feel like this tip works well in all aspects of life, not just if you are a student and struggling to fit in a workout. Having a plan will make your life so much easier! Let’s be honest, sometimes having all the best intentions to workout doesn’t necessarily mean it will happen. So, when you get your timetable for the semester, make an effort to pencil in time for exercise. Be realistic about this, if you have a super early class you probably aren’t going to be too keen to workout before it. Make sure that what you plan, fits in with YOUR life and your schedule.


Love, Kayla xx

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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