The Best Food Sources Of Protein – Kayla Itsines

The Best Sources Of Protein From Food

Kayla Itsines -
The Best Sources Of Protein From Food
Sources of Protein

Your body needs protein every single day to be able to function properly, no matter how active you are! Sometimes it can be a little bit confusing to know where to get that protein though, which is why I've put this blog together to help you choose the best sources of protein for you!

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What is protein?

Protein is a macronutrient that is essential for a number of processes within the body, including the building and repairing of muscle. 

Before I explain what some naturally good sources of protein are, it’s important to understand that different protein sources exist.

Types of protein

There are two kinds of protein: complete proteins and incomplete proteins. 

Complete proteins

Complete proteins are called ‘complete’ proteins because they contain all nine essential amino acids that your body needs to function but can’t create on its own. 

Essential amino acids in protein can only come from food (unlike non-essential amino acids, which your body can produce by itself). These acids help your body to digest food and to build, maintain and repair body tissue. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that you get it from the foods you eat!

Often when people are trying to build muscle or lose fat, they make sure they eat a lot of this type of protein because it helps to do this. Complete proteins are often found in meat and dairy products.

Incomplete proteins

Incomplete proteins are those proteins that do not contain all essential amino acids. Plant-based foods are often incomplete proteins; however, by eating the right combination of plant-based food, it can be easy to consume all the essential amino acids that your body requires.

It’s important to eat a variety of complete and incomplete proteins, which I will discuss below.

Best sources of protein

I prefer to receive my protein from food sources, rather than powders — but this is my own personal preference. If you want to include protein powder in your diet, try to do your research and learn about the different types of protein powders that exist, so you can find one that suits your needs.

Keep in mind that while processed protein sources can be an easy alternative, the best sources of protein come in the form of natural foods that provide your body with other important nutrients too.

Here are some high-protein foods that I find to be the best sources of protein:



Eggs are one of the best sources of protein because they are so easy to incorporate into a variety of meals. They are a staple of mine either at breakfast or lunch because they help to keep me full and energised throughout the day. 

They may also help to minimise your cravings for sweets and high-fat foods and can keep fluctuating blood sugar levels at bay. 

For an easy breakfast or lunch, toast some rye bread and top with avocado, two poached eggs, a drizzle of olive oil, and season with salt and pepper.

Greek yoghurt

Greek yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is another really good source of protein that naturally contains all nine essential amino acids. It can also be great for your health because it contains probiotics. Probiotics are ‘good bacteria’ that can help to keep your digestive system healthy and balanced. 

Enjoy some Greek yoghurt with berries or banana for a great post-workout snack. You can also use Greek yoghurt to make smoothies extra filling.

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Chicken breast

Chicken breast

This one probably comes as no surprise to many of you, as chicken is a popular meat protein choice for many meals and one of the best sources of protein that you can have. Try my almond baked chicken breast recipe if you don't believe me!

One of the best things about eating chicken as a source of protein is that it has a high thermogenic effect. This means you can burn about 30% of the calories that it contains simply by eating it. 

For example, a 300 calorie chicken breast, requires about 90 calories to break down. It also contains all nine essential amino acids, is low in saturated fat, and is incredibly versatile and almost always a staple for meal prep!

Best plant-based sources of protein



If you are looking for a good vegetarian source of protein, lentils are a great choice! One cup of cooked lentils contains about 10 grams of protein. Of course, it is important to understand that lentils are not a complete protein as they do not contain all nine essential amino acids. 

By eating other plant foods, such as whole grains, throughout the day you should be able to meet your daily protein requirements easily. Lentils taste great in salads and soups, just remember not to overcook them or they can go mushy!



If you are looking to add a little boost of protein to your smoothies or salads, add in a small handful of walnuts! As well as being a good source of protein, these little beauties contain essential fatty acids and a number of vitamins and minerals. They are the perfect snack post-workout, especially if you mix them with some Greek yoghurt and berries or you can eat them as a snack on their own!

You can get enough protein from food

So there you have it ladies, some amazing natural sources of protein that you can eat on a daily basis.

Remember that with a healthy and balanced diet, you should easily be able to get your daily intake of protein without having to worry about whether you are consuming enough!

What are your favourite ways to eat protein?

* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.

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9579631827 years ago


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COFFEE7 years ago


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Brandi.x7 years ago

Hey Kayla, I have a dairy intolerance and get the same issues with Greek yogurt as what I do dairy yogurt, what are your thoughts on coconut yogurt? 😊

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Guest8 years ago

Hey Kayla,
When you are talking about Greek yoghurt, are you talking about the normal one with 10% fat or the fat reduced one?
Which one should we eat?
thanks :)

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Mary336737 years ago

2% Greek yogurt

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Guest8 years ago

Full fat! Low fat is usually higher in sugar.

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Guest8 years ago

Hey Kayla!
I read all your blogs on protein intakes and healthy diets, but the problem with me is that I'm a vegetarian with protein allergy (lentils, peas, sometimes a particular type of almonds or walnuts; dairy products are OK). This makes it hard for me to have a protein-rich diet. What alternative could you suggest? Would taking a protein shake help?


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Guest9 years ago

Hey Kayla! Why do you recommend rye bread?? Thanks!

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Guest9 years ago

Hi Kayla! How many eggs do you eat per week? In my family there has always been this belief that eating too many eggs is not good for your health. I would like to know what you think about it. Thanks! 😊

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Guest9 years ago

I love tofu, paneer, sashimi, (tuna, albacore, salmon, everything!), quinoa, tempeh, beans, Greek yogurt, and vegan brown rice protein powder!

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Guest9 years ago

Salmon is the best and healthiest protein! I don't see it in the list :)

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Guest9 years ago

I just had shrimp, tofu, egg whites and Greek yogurt today! Yummy!

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Guest9 years ago

Kayla, your posts are always so informative and great in helping everyone maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay fit! These natural ways to get protein into our diets, is an excellent resource that I will most certainly be using from now on :) Absolutely condone and agree with everything you promote and stand for. A happy and healthy life is achievable :)

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