4 Tips For A Healthier Work Day

If you work in an office job and basically sit ALL day, I’m sure you know all too well how hard it can be to stay healthy. Between the long hours, the vending machine, uncomfortable chairs and bright fluorescent lights, it can sometimes be a struggle to keep on track and feel like you are living a healthy and fit lifestyle.
Tips for being healthier at work
Here are some ways to stay healthy in an office job and have a healthier work day — no standing desk required!
Keep healthy snacks in your drawers
When it comes to the 3pm munchies, it can be super tempting to stick your hand in that communal cookie jar or sneakily buy something naughty out of the vending machine. Not only can snacking on processed foods wreak havoc on your blood sugar levels, but they generally leave you craving more. So that one cookie can turn into five before we know it.
Instead, try filling your drawers with healthy snacks. Some examples are zip-lock bags filled with nuts and seeds, cut up veggie sticks with hummus, different tea varieties and plain popcorn. This way when the snack monster attacks, you are equipped with the right food!
Increase your water intake
Just because you sit all day doesn’t mean your body doesn’t need to be properly hydrated. If you tend to feel sluggish towards the end of the day, this may be a sign of dehydration. Dehydration can also cause headaches and fatigue, so make sure you have a full bottle of water on your desk and always refill it as soon as it gets empty!
I like putting a straw in mine for easy drinking so I can still use my hands for typing at the same time!
Go for a quick walk at lunch
Even if you only have a short lunch break, take 5-10 minutes of this to go for a quick stroll. This can be especially helpful if you have eaten a heavy lunch and are feeling a little sluggish. Walking can help to stimulate digestion, get your step count up for the day and also leave you feeling refreshed. And if you can get a little sunshine in, even better!
If you don’t have time for a walk around the block, make the effort to at least walk up and down a few flights of stairs or walk around the office.
Move every hour
Whether you are super busy or don’t have time for a lunch break, the very least you can do is move at least once an hour. If you think about how much you sit every day, this can seriously impact the amount of exercise we get in each week. Set an alarm on your phone or computer and make a conscious effort to move each hour. This can literally be something as simple as filling up your drink bottle, going to the toilet or doing a lap of the office.
That's how to have a healthier work day!
Every step counts, girls! I hope these tips have helped you. Always remember, small changes to your routine can help you to become healthier and happier. Don't feel overwhelmed by huge lifestyle changes — make small ones over time and you should find it easier to stick to them!
Love, Kayla xx
* Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. Sweat assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.
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